2023 Valspar Championship

Innisbrook | Par 71 | 7340 Yards

Architect: Larry Packard

Greens: Bermuda / Poa Overseed

Rough: Bermuda / Rye Overseed

Previous 10 Winners Crossover Wins: Augusta, TPC Deere Run, CC of Jackson, Colonial, TPC River Highlands

Current Forecast: Potential for wind and storms Friday to Sunday. Monitoring.



Winner Profiles

Winner profiles show the statistical makeup of recent winners of the event.

Correlation Matrix

Innisbrook correlation strength - Tour average.

The Vincerix Correlation Matrix powered by ShotLink is built to help identify the key statistics that correlate to success at PGA Tour venues. Each statistic has a correlation value (from 0 to 1) based on historical golfer performance leading into the selected event. Stats that correlate highly with success at a venue are ideal for great for adding to your model and help build our Vincerix models which can be found here.

Currently find views for the last 12, 36, and 100 rounds and how well they correlate with a Top 20 finish. Additional filtering and interactive views will be available soon.

To download correlations for a Top 20 finish on average over the last 12, 24, 36, 50, and 100 rounds please click here. Not all ShotLink stats currently included, more will be added over time but most consistently utilized stats are active in the matrix/download.




Approach Distances

Here are the average proximity ranges for Innisbrook over the previous six events.


Yeah, I just think overall it's just a really good golf course. You've got to drive it well. You've got to hit your irons well. You know, you've really got to kind of think your way around here just because all the holes are -- there's always something about a hole that can -- you can get out of position, and it's tough to make pars. I like it, too. You don't have to make a lot of birdies. You don't have to shoot way under par. You just shoot a couple under each day. - Dustin Johnson (2021)

I think, or I feel, that is -- look, you always have got to do a lot of things well, drive it well, chip and putt well to win tournaments, et cetera, et cetera, but there's a premium here on sort of medium to long irons into greens. This isn't the longest golf course. Quite a few guys hit irons and you're forced to hit irons off some of the tees. Guys hit irons off things like 2 and 3. But the par-3s are long and those approaches into -- the second shots into a lot of those par-4s are requiring 175 to 200 plus shots in, and I've always been very, very good in that area. A lot of spin control, the trajectory of those shots that I hit. Without question -- when I say ball striker's course, it can mean anything, it can drive driving, it can mean wedges, but in this particular instance, this golf course is kind of a 175 to 200 plus golf course. - Paul Casey (2021)

You know, it's one of those places you can shoot over par so quickly, but if you have control of your ball and you hit it in the fairway to where you can put the ball where you want on the greens, you shoot a couple under each day, you're going to be doing pretty good. It's a great test. I like golf courses like that, but at the same time, you can't just kind of slap it around. You need to be playing well and have control of your ball. - Justin Thomas (2021)