2023 Valero Texas Open
TPC San Antonio - Oaks | Par 72 | 7438 Yards
Architect: Norman
Greens: Bermuda / Poa Overseed
Rough: Rye/ Fescue
Previous 10 Winners Crossover Wins: PGA West (2x), Pebble (2x)
Current Forecast: Breezy with chance of rain.
Winner Profiles
Winner profiles show the statistical makeup of recent winners of the event.
Correlation Matrix
TPC San Antonio correlation strength - below Tour average.
The Vincerix Correlation Matrix powered by ShotLink is built to help identify the key statistics that correlate to success at PGA Tour venues. Each statistic has a correlation value (from 0 to 1) based on historical golfer performance leading into the selected event. Stats that correlate highly with success at a venue are ideal for great for adding to your model and help build our Vincerix models which can be found here.
Currently find views for the last 12, 36, and 100 rounds and how well they correlate with a Top 20 finish. Additional filtering and interactive views will be available soon.
To download correlations for a Top 20 finish on average over the last 12, 24, 36, 50, and 100 rounds please click here. Not all ShotLink stats currently included, more will be added over time but most consistently utilized stats are active in the matrix/download.
Approach Distances
Here are the average proximity ranges for TPC San Antonio over the previous six events.
“Just been staying patient, and I know this course is a good course for being patient and hitting fairways and hitting greens and short game is a big deal around here and I think I chipped it fairly well.” - Spaun (2023)
“And then the golf course itself is such a challenge. You normally have to play it in wind, you normally have to play it in different winds, so you almost play two different golf courses, north versus south wind. And it looks like we're going to get that again this year, so you've got to flight the ball, got to shot make, got to be really precise with your distance control into these greens. I really enjoy that challenge here. Fairway surfaces, green surfaces are money. I'm sure they'll be able to speed these greens up as this wind dies down as the week goes on, and it's in as good of shape as I remember seeing it.” - Spieth (2023)
I actually think it's a wonderful spot just before the Masters. I think there's nice topography out here, nice undulations, nice kind of change of elevation. You've got to drive the ball well here, and then the approach shots have some characteristics similar to Augusta with the elevation changes, with the runoffs, the collection areas. I think it's a nice warm‑up for next week's Masters as well. - Kuchar (2022)
“Here I think that you're -- to make birdies out here, especially with kind of as firm as the greens always seem to get here and with as windy as it gets, you've got really good control of the ball on the greens, you're landing it in the right spots, you're getting it to funnel in, and because a lot of these shots you've got to kind of work the ball into some of these pins. So I think I know when I won here and the years that I've played well, it's really been about really good iron play, I think. Off the tee, there's only a few holes where you've got to really kind of hit a few tough -- you've got a couple of tough tee shots, but it's really all about the greens are pretty small in spots so it's about hitting your irons really well, I think.” - Walker (2019)