2023 Honda Classic

PGA National (Champions) | Par 70 | 7125 Yards

Architect: Fazio / Nicklaus

Greens: Bermuda

Rough: Bermuda / Rye Overseed

Previous 10 Winners Crossover Wins: TPC Sawgrass (3x), Waialae CC (2x)

Current Forecast: Gentle breezes, warm.



Winner Profiles

Winner profiles show the statistical makeup of recent winners of the event.

Correlation Matrix

Honda Classic correlation strength - above Tour average.

The Vincerix Correlation Matrix powered by ShotLink is built to help identify the key statistics that correlate to success at PGA Tour venues. Each statistic has a correlation value (from 0 to 1) based on historical golfer performance leading into the selected event. Stats that correlate highly with success at a venue are ideal for great for adding to your model and help build our Vincerix models which can be found here.

Currently find views for the last 12, 36, and 100 rounds and how well they correlate with a Top 20 finish. Additional filtering and interactive views will be available soon.

To download correlations for a Top 20 finish on average over the last 12, 24, 36, 50, and 100 rounds please click here. Not all ShotLink stats currently included, more will be added over time but most consistently utilized stats are active in the matrix/download.




Approach Distances

Here are the average proximity ranges for PGA National over the previous six events.


I just think it's a driving golf course. You've got to put it in play, and I drive the ball really well. So that's the number one thing. You have to chip and putt it well out here. You're just not going to hit a ton of greens. There's a lot of challenging holes, especially coming down the stretch, obviously the Bear Trap. You really have to be solid tee to green. - Berger (2022)

Yeah, it's definitely one of the tougher ones we play all year, but it's right there in front of you. I mean you basically try not to hit it in the water. You just pick your safe targets and you hit an aggressive shot at your safe targets and that's kind of the key. - Straka (2022)

As soon as you put water in front of greens or the side of greens and there's nowhere else to go but the green, it's a difficult course. But then you throw wind in there, that's a variable that's -- that even for the best players is very hard to control sometimes your golf ball. You're hitting it out there 160, 200 yards away from you and hoping the wind does what you think it's going to do. That's hard when the penalty is water and you're reaching into the bag to drop another one. The wind makes this course extremely difficult. If there's a change in wind and you haven't experienced that wind before on the golf course or even that week, it makes it -- it can change how the course plays drastically. You can go from hitting a driver off a tee to the next day hitting a 3-iron, and those kind of adjustments, if you can make them comfortably in your head, are a huge advantage when that happens. The guy who is comfortable with the change is going to do well, and the guy who isn't is going to really struggle, especially at a difficult track like this. - Scott (2021)

It's a tough golf course, and I think that plays into my hands. I think the wind obviously suits me. So yeah, there are two parts of the course, a lot of difficult shots. You've got to be mentally strong, committed to your shots, which has been one of my strengths over the years, and then the windy nature of the course, again, plays into my hands. Yeah, it's a course I would like to play tournament -- yeah, this is a strange statement. I'd like to play tournament golf on a course like this every week, but I know it would beat you up eventually. It is one of the tougher courses of the year. - Harrington (2021)

Fact Sheet