2023 Genesis Invitational
The Riviera CC | Par 71 | 7322 Yards
Architect: Thomas / Bell
Greens: Poa
Rough: Kikuyu
Previous 10 Winners Crossover Wins: Quail Hollow (3x), Augusta (3x), Torrey (2x), East Lake (2x), TPC River Highlands (2x)
Current Forecast: Calm & cool.
Winner Profiles
Winner profiles show the statistical makeup of recent winners of the event.
Correlation Matrix
Genesis Invitational correlation strength - Tour average.
The Vincerix Correlation Matrix powered by ShotLink is built to help identify the key statistics that correlate to success at PGA Tour venues. Each statistic has a correlation value (from 0 to 1) based on historical golfer performance leading into the selected event. Stats that correlate highly with success at a venue are ideal for great for adding to your model and help build our Vincerix models which can be found here.
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Approach Distances
Here are the average proximity ranges for Riv over the previous six events.
I think it's one of those courses that you have to do everything right; you have to hit it good off the tee, you have to hit your irons pretty good and you've got to putt unbelievable, especially on these type of greens because they're so fast. - Niemann (2022)
I think most people's problems with kikuyu is they never play on kikuyu. There aren't very many places in the world where we see this grass; even the other L.A. courses don't really have kikuyu. So anytime you have to play on a surface that you've never played on before or played very rarely, it's difficult. I fortunately grew up a southern Californian so I like the kikuyu grass and don't think it's that particularly difficult. - Cantlay (2022)
Yeah, the golf course, it's amazing. I think it's the best golf course we play all year. It's my favorite golf course in the world and I think a lot of people feel similarly. There's not any tricks to it, there's no water, there's even very little out of bounds and it points you where you need to go and you've just got to figure out if you can be ready for that test. I think people really appreciate that. I don't think that you have to be long to win here, I don't think you need to be anything in particular to win here, I think you can just go out and win if you play a great week of golf. I think that's why guys really love it. - Homa (2022)
It's a tough -- I feel like it's a tough golf course. You've got to drive it well, you've got to be really spot on with your irons and distance control, shot shapes into the green. I think it kind of makes you think on every shot you're hitting off the tee, coming into the greens and then even when you're on the greens, your putts, especially depending on where you're at, if you're downhill, the greens are really fast right now so you've really got to be kind of cognizant of that. - Johnson (2021)
It suits a natural cutter of the golf ball, so I figured that's what I have done pretty much my entire career, but when it comes right down to it, you've got to hit the ball well here because the greens are so small and they're so slopey. - Tiger (2020)
It's a ball-strikers course, that's why I played it well. It's a strength of my game, but you just have to have control of your ball. You're going to have, you know, one day maybe two or three where you don't have it. Even if you're not hitting it well, you at least need to know what direction it's going or at least can hit it in one direction because on this course, if you get it on the wrong side of the hole or wrong side of the green, it virtually becomes impossible to get up and down. Just trying to make those four- to 12-footers all day on these poa annua greens is just -- it's not going to happen. It's very, very tough to scramble out here. The greens get bumpy, all poa annua does, and just about trying to salvage as much as you can. - Thomas (2020)