2023 Farmers Insurance Open
Courses: Torrey Pines North & South
Torrey Pines South - Par 72 | 7765 | Poa | Bell/Jones
Torrey Pines North - Par 72 | 7258 | Bent | Bell/Weiskopf
Previous 10 Winners Crossover Wins: Bay Hill (3x), Muirfield Village (3x), Pebble (2x), Augusta (2x), Sedgefield (2x), Dye Stadium (2x), Sawgrass (2x), Quail Hollow (2x), Kapalua (2x)
Current Forecast: As of 12pm on 1/22 there appears to be a chance for significantly increased winds on Thursday PM. Dry conditions expected.
Winner Profiles
Winner profiles show the statistical makeup of recent winners of the event.
Correlation Matrix
Farmers correlation strength - above Tour average.
The Vincerix Correlation Matrix powered by ShotLink is built to help identify the key statistics that correlate to success at PGA Tour venues. Each statistic has a correlation value (from 0 to 1) based on historical golfer performance leading into the selected event. Stats that correlate highly with success at a venue are ideal for great for adding to your model and help build our Vincerix models which can be found here.
Currently find views for the last 12, 36, and 100 rounds and how well they correlate with a Top 20 finish. Additional filtering and interactive views will be available soon.
To download correlations for a Top 20 finish on average over the last 12, 24, 36, 50, and 100 rounds please click here. Not all ShotLink stats currently included, more will be added over time but most consistently utilized stats are active in the matrix/download.
Approach Distances
Here are the average proximity ranges for the South Course over the previous five events.
It's long, so I think I can take advantage of my length pretty well. Then if I'm on with my irons, I feel like the greens are maybe a little smaller on average than what we get week in, week out on Tour, so with the second shots it's -- if you're feeling it with your irons, you can really take advantage of that. And then I feel like this golf course maybe more than any others, if you're going to miss the green, you have to miss it either long or short because if you miss it pin high but on the sides, every green sort of slopes in a ways and it's very hard to get it close to the hole then. - Rory (2021)
Yeah, it was amazing. The golf course is hard. I mean, you definitely know why it's a U.S. Open venue and just kind of seeing it this week and seeing kind of how tough it played in certain conditions definitely shows how much harder it's going to play once June comes around with a little firmer, faster greens and also with thicker rough. It's a true test out there. You have to be resilient when you're out there playing because you could hit some quality golf shots and end up in the wrong spots, you're having to grind and try to get up and down. - Reed (2021)
Yeah, it feels good. And that's the thing about this place, you can't necessarily fake it around, you have to drive the ball well, you have to hole out well, make a lot of those putts, four-, five-, six-footers, and on these poa annua greens get really, really bumpy and it can be tough to kind of get the ball in the hole sometimes. Just one of those things, you kind of have to take whatever you have at that moment out on the golf course and just try to make the best out of whatever conditions you're playing in. - JT (2022)
Just drive it in the fairway, that's first out here. The rough is dicey. You can get a good lie, but basically if you keep it in the fairway you're going to give yourself chances. If you're not, it makes for a long day. I've been driving it pretty well for the most part and going to keep trusting that this weekend. - Tringale (2022)