2023 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am

Courses: Pebble Beach | Spyglass Hill | Monterey Peninsula CC (Shore)

Pebble Beach Golf Links - Par 72 | 7051 | Poa | Neville/Grant

Spyglass Hill CC - Par 72 | 7041 | Poa | RTJ Sr

Monterey Peninsula CC (Shore) - Par 71 | 6957 | Poa | Baldock/Strantz

Previous 10 Winners Crossover Wins: Colonial (3x), East Lake (3x), TPC River Highlands, Hilton Head, Torrey Pines, Augusta National

Current Forecast



Winner Profiles

Winner profiles show the statistical makeup of recent winners of the event.

Correlation Matrix

AT&T Pebble Beach correlation strength - below Tour average.

The Vincerix Correlation Matrix powered by ShotLink is built to help identify the key statistics that correlate to success at PGA Tour venues. Each statistic has a correlation value (from 0 to 1) based on historical golfer performance leading into the selected event. Stats that correlate highly with success at a venue are ideal for great for adding to your model and help build our Vincerix models which can be found here.

Currently find views for the last 12, 36, and 100 rounds and how well they correlate with a Top 20 finish. Additional filtering and interactive views will be available soon.

To download correlations for a Top 20 finish on average over the last 12, 24, 36, 50, and 100 rounds please click here. Not all ShotLink stats currently included, more will be added over time but most consistently utilized stats are active in the matrix/download.




Approach Distances

Here are the average proximity ranges for Pebble Beach GL over the previous five events.


So I think a lot of it is that I have a lot of fun, but again, these golf courses specifically you have to be shot-making and it's very feel based. You're not just playing in the desert and firing range shots up. You very rarely have one that you're just playing a stock driving range shot. So that can be challenging when you're off and it can be an advantage when, for me I really like that when I'm feeling good about my game. So the small greens require a lot of precision and imagination around them too, especially on Pebble, so that may go into it as well. - Spieth {2021)

I just felt like for me if I can just get the ball in play off the tee you don't necessarily have to push it with drivers that much, but lay back a little bit and it's definitely a second-shot golf course which I feel like is the strength of my game. - Hoge (2022)

It has a lot to do with just focusing in on really, really small targets out here, the greens aren't very big at Pebble. And just knowing that pars are so good out here, especially on a Sunday. And at times in the past I get frustrated when you don't start making birdie, especially early, and that costs you later and just been a lot more patient the last four years and as a result four good finishes. - Merritt (2022)

I mean, I love California golf and this is the epitome of California golf and so I think it's great and I definitely feel at home. I would say greens that are for the most part traditional and very severely sloped back to front. Poa annua greens and in general the properties are more condensed. - Cantlay (2022)

Fact Sheets